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Not too bad at all.

Graphics and animation were a bit crappy, but that's ok, it's a clock movie. Interactivity had to get a low rating because alternate ending number 1's "play" button goes to the wrong frame... Luckily I know how to right-click. Yay!

Anyway, I had a dream a week or two ago where in one brief snippet, I found myself meeting strawberry clock. He said "Hello there! I am Strawberry Clock!" and I said "Ok, this doesn't make sense," and woke up. But it inspired me to write my own little clock movie, which I did. I recorded a rough version of the soundtrack, and then went in search of the proper settings for clock voices (I have a friend in the Clock Crew, he supplied me with the settings for his voice, and said strawberry was "close enough.")

Anyway, I'm getting off-track here. The point is, my movie was about what would happen if I found myself in the world of the clock crew. I came on to newgrounds to watch a few toons to make sure I have the voices close enough, and what did I find? Your car toon. About you visiting clock-land.

AAAGH!!! It's already been done! NOOOOO!!!!!!

Except that my plot is completely different from your plot, so it's ok.

Ahem. Wow, that was a lot more story than I intended it to be. Anyway, I got a laugh out of your toon, although I have to say I saw the bit with Apple Clock coming when you grabbed him. Oh well.

Enjoyed the toon. Later.

Excellent excellent.

Sorry it took so long ror me to watch it, but you know, I'm on dialup, and I've been waiting for it to load all week. Um. Yeah, that's it.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the best colack movie I've seen, but that's because I don't know what a colack movie is.

Anyway, excellent job. I would say the sound was a little odd... Strawberry's voice volume kept changing - possibly that was deliberate, but it just came across as a little strange. Your replay button didn't actually replay it - probably ought to fix that.

Overall, purty darn good. Clean and simple, the way flash should look. Excellent job. best colack movie i have seen in a long time. I think.

Masquatto responds:

Lol. I hope you mean Clock movie.

Yeah I just noticed that about the replay button. I might fix that.

Strawberry's sound was supposed to match where we was on screen. When he was on the right, the sound shoulda been coming mostly from your right speaker. If not, well... derp.

I thought you got DSL.

It was ok, but kinda rascist

The turban'd character was pretty stereotyped, man - in a bad way. The "backwards middle-easterner" character really should have been a little less backwards. I understand your goal was to make him a character from some country where they don't use computers, but it's just a little too offensive, if you ask me. And I'm as caucasian as you can get.

Other than that, it was all right, not that funny. It's a decent concept overall, just not very well done, and the rascist overtones made it less amusing to me. Of course, a lot of people won't care about that.

The end should have had him using a typewriter - I would even have felt that an old-school manual typewriter would have been preferable.

Ah well. I voted 3 on part one.. This one gets a 2.

YES! yes.

Yes. Yes. YES! yes yes yes. Yes.


Yes. I liked it very much. I laughed, and I voted 5. Actually, someone who has never seen Doctor Who sent this to me a long time ago, and I laughed then too. And now I've found it here, and laughed again. Yay!

Thank you. Yes.

PS. Yes.

Straight tens??? From ME???

This was awesome. I went and saw the most recent Spike and Mike Sick and Twisted Animation Festival, and this would have been a good replacement for some of the more mediocre toons in it. It's phenomenal. Excellent job. Consider submitting it to the Spike and Mike festival, man. Seriously.

The graphics - beautiful.
The style: Fantastic.
The Sound: Perfect for what it was.
The violence: Oh, HELL yeah. Perfect.
Interactivity: Yep, you made it as interactive as possible.
Humor? Laughed loud enough that my neighbor pounded on the wall to tell me to stfu so she could sleep.

So overall - Yep, straight tens. I don't do that often, but you clearly worked your butt off on this one, and it shows. Excellent job.

Not too bad

I'm just kind of sick of these "Stick figures getting killed by spikes and falling things in strange line-art world" kind of things. But this was reasonably well done for one of those, and I guess the hacky-sack angle was kind of unique. Good job.

N2tZ responds:

thanks, but i dont have a better idea than spikes ^^

Wow, that was long

My biggest complaint is that in lieu of an actual soundtrack, you threw in a couple of songs.. Unfortunately, at least on my machine, the songs didn't actually play one right after another. There was like a minute and a half between songs. Well, it felt that long, anyway.

Anyway, some pretty funny stuff in there. Some spelling errors, but I'm not gonna be a spelling nazi. It was long, though.. Too long, really. It was good though.

worst collab ever. Well, not really.

I only found that I liked a couple of the entries in this collab... Usually I find that half the collab is very good. Was there a lack of talent this time? I dunno. Let me go over the entries:

DNR's entry was very well done, but I got the feeling that maybe it was done for something else, and then re-colored blue and water added to make it fit the theme of this collab. I may be wrong, but I guess it's just that it would have worked just as well had it not been blue, and had there not been water. Animation and art was superb tho.

Mynamewontfitin... I dunno. It's just strangeness, it lacks cohesiveness, there's not a lot of plot going on.

Greedom - Not badly done at all. The animation was good, there was a plot, a definite beginning, middle and end. Reasonably well done.

ZeekySpaceyLizard - I dunno. It was well done, but just kind of strange. I liked your simple, but effective "waves." The story was kind of blah, kind of obvious what was going to happen as soon as he threw the paintings in. Also, I'd like to say that the animation of him falling from the boat was a real cop-out. Or was he SUPPOSED to be a two-dimensional character?

Space Chicken - well made, I laughed once or twice... Unfortunatley I saw the ending coming a mile away.

Xionic_Demon - your version of the simplified "madness" style characters are decent looking, and you did a good job with the facial expressions. The violence was kind of unrealistic somehow, though - the movements were slightly wrong. I dunno. It wasn't bad, just a bit sub-par.

Djamin - ...Not a whole lot of plot going on there, is there? Just sort of a snippet of music video with a very simple character. The lack of plot was disappointing, I would have liked to have seen more going on. The lip-sync was perfect, well done... But at the end, I found myself thinking "That's IT???"

So you see my problem with this collab - I felt that most of the entries were, in some way or other, mediocre. It's not bad, and I certainly wouldn't have blammed any of them had they been submitted on their own... But It's not up to the quality I've come to expect. Ah well.

Very well done, despite the style plagiarism

"Ren and Stimpy were knocked off of all the old Bob Clampett and Tex Avery cartoons, so why can't I knock them off."

What I think really bothers me is that you clearly have a lot of skill and talent, and are wasting it by imitating someone else's work.

The difference is that you didn't really even try to come up with your own style here. Right down to the exact same needle-drop music and sound effects, animation gags, and graphical design. If this were done as a tribute, it would be phenomenal. It's a shame that you didn't just make a Ren and Stimpy cartoon of it, with a line in there somewhere saying "A Tribute to John K's Ren and Stimpy" or something.

Now I've mentioned all the things that are the same as Ren and Stimpy.. What's different? Obviously your characters are, although they still have similar roles (although the thin one has the stimpy role, and the large one the Ren role).

The voicework, while not bad, is not nearly the quality of Billy West - but let's face it, there's only one Billy West, and you couldn't afford him. So I'll forgive that.

The animation is lacking - you did more tweening and less frame by frame work, particularly visible when ... Um... the blue one is laughing. However, being that you're one guy, and do not have the entire spümco animation team to help out. Ok, I can forgive the simplicity of animation as well.

The humor is lacking - although you based your jokes on Ren and Stimpy concepts, they don't have the same level of humor. It's just not that funny.

The artwork is not as good - This one I can't say I can forgive quite as easily. The artwork is still good - but it's not up to Spümco standards.

The plot lacks cohesiveness, or the direction is faulty, or something - it's not quite right in many ways. It seems jerky in places, awkward, abrupt. It's rough, is what I'm saying, and some better transitions or more well thought out scenes could have helped.

Now then. Sick of my saying it's not up to Spümco standards? Sick of my comparing it to Ren and Stimpy? THEN STOP RIPPING REN AND STIMPY OFF. Come on, get your own ideas. Yes, some of the ideas that John K used in his cartoons were lifted directly from old cartoons... But not 96% of the idea of the cartoon! His basic cartoon was very original - with groundbreaking artwork and character design, and a very original style. Yes, he used the same kind of needle-drop music as they did in the old toons, and the same kind of sound effects - but he used them in his own way, in a way that had not been done before.

I sincerely hope you get an original concept before you do episode 2. As well done as this is (and I can't fault your skill, this was superbly done) - it's an almost total ren and stimpy clone, and the fact that you did that without even MENTIONING John K's creation (except in defense when people pointed it out to you) is inexcusable. You knew you were ripping him off in a huge way. You could at least credit him for the ideas, since you clearly could not come up with any of your own.

Please, prove me wrong. Do something relatively original in episode 2.

chubbybunny responds:

damn you didnt have to write an essay about it

I always watch cartoons fully before reviewing them, and I try to respond to as many reviews as possible.

Age 53, Male


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