Several people who reviewed it before me were clearly not even literate. However, they were right about the game not accepting most plurals. I can understand if that's deliberate, but there was nothing in the rules saying that plurals couldn't be used. Plus, "lids" worked, so clearly some plurals are okay. I notice the game accepts some people's names, that was a bit of a suprise - I guess I automatically assume all word games like this wil adhere to strict scrabble rules.
To get a ten on graphics, you could have had the animation of when he's talking be a bit more interesting, his mouth barely even moves.
To get a ten on style, you could have had the thing accept more plurals, for one thing. Also, on a whim, I tried "sith," and it took it. Is that even a real word, outside the Star Wars universe? (grabs websters, looks it up..) Oh, ok, yes it is. Allow me to bump that up a bit more.
To get a ten on sound, you could have recorded more things for him to say randomly. I got tired of "I'm pretty sure that's not even a word!" especially when I knew it was. Three or four phrases per event would have been better. Also, the music loops are too short, they got old pretty quick. Thank you for providing a music off button.
To get a ten on violence... Well, I dunno, you could have had some violence. This isn't a violent game, so that doesn't fit. Forget I mentioned violence.
To get a ten on interactivity, you could have made it a bit less buggy. The letter tiles occasionally refused to light up green until I clicked another tile and hit reset, or they'd show up green for no good reason. Also, a pause button would have been nice - even if it hides the entire screen from view so you can't ponder the letters. My phone rang, and the timer ran out on me at some point.
Humor? I didn't see much humor. I think there was a bit, though, so I gave it a bit of a rating.